After finishing the book I liked it a lot and it was a book that I enjoyed it was fun but it was also mysterious to read their adventures, but it also had a lot of meaning and morals that taught me many things about life and how different people can be very good together, complementing each other with the things they have making each other the best of their versions . 


 That was a year ago. 

I hid in the down under for days and days and kept the door closed, which is why I missed the funeral and the Fair Gwen going away. Gram told me about it afterwards, how she couldn’t stand to live in the house with Kevin gone, and who could blame her? 

Grim threatened to unscrew my bedroom door but he never did, he just kept saying I should come out for Gram’s sake, and sometimes she’d come down and say I should come out for Grim’s sake, and so on and so forth until finally I gave up and came out. 

I don’t know if this makes sense, but for a long time I felt like I was a balloon, and somebody had let the air out of me. I didn’t care if I ever got the air back, because what does it really matter if we’re all going to die in the end? 

That’s how down I was feeling, and sorry for myself. 


This book was all happy and fun, a great book about friends and their adventures but like everything, everything always comes to an end and max’s end came when Kevin died, Kevin meant everything to Max, and he was the only one that was there for him. At the end the moral of the story is to enjoy every second in life and don’t spend your time sad, spend the time you have with the people you love doing what you enjoy , At the end we don’t know for how we will be here so we might as well just enjoy and be thankful for everything. 



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