The quote I chose comes from a book called Solitaire, this book focuses on the life of the main character Tori Spring, Tori is a Year 12 student who doesn’t really have any friends. She spends most of her time by her lonesome, reading blogs and doing worse on her homework and assignments than she should be. In this specific quote, Tori introduces her brother’s boyfriend Nicholas Nelson (Nick) to the reader.

" Nick appears. At first glance, Nicholas Nelson ,a year 12 like me, looks exactly like the kind of scary lads you'd see crammed at the back of the school bus, ready to throw sandwiches at you. But in reality, Nick is actually the human embodiment of a golden retriever puppy, as well as being Truham’s rugby captain and a genuinely lovely person. I can't remember when Nick and Charlie became Nick-and-Charlie, but Nick was stuck with Charlie through all the hardest parts of his mental illness,so, in my book, he's definitely all right." (Pg:37)

I really like this part of the book mainly because Nick is one of my favorite characters both in Solitaire and its sister series “Heartstopper”. I think this quote is Tori expressing that she cherishes and cares about Nick in her own way mainly because Nick was the only one there for her brother (Charlie) when he was in the hospital. Tori has a hard time expressing her emotions and I think her describing him as “human embodiment of a golden retriever” is her saying he is a fun and loveable person.

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