Amelia’s Introduction

My name is Amelia. I was born here in Victoria but my family is from England and as you may notice I have a bit of a British accent. This is my fourth year at Brookes and I like to participate in the schools Track and Field team in the summer. I love being outside in nature and going for long hikes with my family. One of my hobbies is birdwatching, which I started when I was five. Since then I have travelled locally and internationally with my dad finding birds and recording them using a data collecting app called eBird.

I enjoy reading books, especially non fiction adventures and I like a few fiction novels. I prefer to read series because the set takes longer to read than just one book so I enjoy it more. I am currently reading the sixth and final book of a series called The Land of Stories by Chris Colfer which is my favourite series I have read and this is my second time reading it.

I like to do creative writing and short stories either about something real that happened or completely from my imagination. I’m not a huge fan of writing something really long because I tend to loose interest which makes it harder for me to finish unless it’s about something I can choose what to write about that I enjoy.

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