Hi, my name is Maria Blanco I´m from Mexico San Luis Potosi, my favorite color is blue and I’m too interest in marine animals and dinosaurs also I want to study marine biology and photography, I love videogames, The Legend of Zelda is my favorite. I like running and swimming, my favorite vacation is going to the beach and Disney. I have two older brothers and a little sister. I like watching movies and listen to music and I like to learn new thinks.

I like reading but I don’t usually do it, I would like to read more often because I know reading have a lot of benefits and there are many books that interest me like Stephen King books, Harry Potter, Percy Jackson, the tales of the brothers Grimm, Alice in Wonderland, etc. I would like to start reading in English, I like to read poems, I read a lot of Japanese Mangas and now I´m reading a book that calls “Rupture” that is in Spanish.

I’m not very good at grammar in English but I think that I just need to read more. I like to write about my day in a diary and write about the thinks that interest me like information of some music artist, animals, dinosaurs, etc. I would like to have the ability to understand, organize and express my feelings well enough to be able to write a good poem.

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