PW#06 – #1 OPP

Who is the #1 OPP? Well, #1 OPP is #1 OPP.

#1 OPP is also #1 OPP.. the playlist.

#1 OPP has the best music ever on there (no country because I hate country music) and has trending music too. It is constantly being updated; woo-whoo!

#1 OPP the person, is my mortal enemy, and I’m sure in my next life, they will be my #1 opp again. One time, I was just walking with Lilly and then as we were walking, they went on and called us very bad words in their first language (which Lilly speaks) for no reason at all and laughed at us. This other time, I was in the elevator with other people and they got on and immediately looked at me and were like “Mwehehehe” and then shrugged as if they were so cool.. they are not cool.

I hate #1 OPP, the person.

I adore #1 OPP, the playlist.

Personal writing#6

I’m going to be writing about my future adventures and vacations for my personal writing. I believe I have four trips planned. The first is a school-sponsored trip to the UK. I’m really excited to visit the UK because I believe it will be a valuable learning experience for me to travel independently and without my family. My second vacation is to Edmonton, where I will be going with my family. Specifically, we will be visiting the West Edmonton Mall. My third vacation is to Oysous, which I’m looking forward to because it’s always nice there and we get to see my grandparents. My final trip is to Quebec. im very excited for this trip since i speak very good french and french is my 2nd language. I think this will be beneficial for both showing my family and helping me get better at speaking French. It will be fascinating to see, in my opinion, whether the French I learnt differs from that spoken in Quebec.

PW#6 Hummingbirds

We are already over halfway through the school year. Only 16 weeks left which it’s hard to believe. Soon the migratory birds will be coming back (April/May) which I always love to see. Sometimes I see hundreds of birds flying overhead to come back for the summer. Birds as small as the Rufous Hummingbird migrate to Vancouver Island and other parts of Canada/Alaska from its wintering range in Mexico. They travel nearly 4,000 miles (6437km) when they migrate. The most common hummingbird you will see around here is the Anna’s Hummingbird. They do not flee south went the coldness hits, instead they stay up north and rely on people’s hummingbird feeders that they put out. A hummingbird will always come to a specific feeder once they found one which is why you need to always keep the feeder full and clean. Hummingbirds rely on sugar to keep them alive. In nature they will feed off the pollen inside flowers, at feeders, they drink sugar water. 1/4 cup of white sugar dissolved in 1 cup of water is all they need. It’s crucial that you keep the feeders melted during the frosty days where the water could freeze because they don’t migrate. Since they always feed at the same feeder, if you don’t keep maintaining it, they could die because they is nothing else available to eat. When we moved house, we put up a hummingbird feeder and for the past 5 years I watched the same hummingbirds coming every day to the feeder, and in the spring, I watched their young grow up into adults, and then their young mature as well. I find hummingbirds to be such strong little creatures.

PW#6 Something

I almost feel as though my soul chose his. And that’s a difficult thing for a soul to forget. As if his personality of roses and poetry wrapped a blanket around mine when it was cold and cracking. I try to forget everything, but two souls don’t find each-other simply by accident. I can’t seem to forget him or the looks he gave me, or the way his eyes glow in the shade versus the light.  A different comfort than what I find in the arms of parents. I’ve always been told to never give up on something that you cant go a day without thinking about and I think its beautiful to have something that makes it so difficult to go without, to the point functioning is simply out of the question. seeing him walk by will always make my stomach twist and twirl head spin and flip, but I can live with the feeling that pushes the butterflies in my stomach up and out.


Not all good people get the life they deserve, many die early and the others are tortured through image and reflection. Butterflies have a somewhat poisonous powder on their wings, but moths just like lights, and when they fly towards the “sun”, they get killed off before ever getting there. Not all sheep are white, some are grey and brown and black, but people like white sheep, because that is what a sheep is “supposed” to look like. The most famous clothing brands can make terrible shoes, so maybe buying from a not so well known shoe store is a nice change. Pretty people get picked first, pretty privilege is more important than knowledge. I want to be an actor, i work so hard, only 0.04% make it big. More people die by cows every year than sharks. Beauty is often in found in your fear.

I’ll tie my hair up, I promise I will, I’ll straighten it, you can have it, everything, take take take and don’t give back, throw it away when you are bored, erase me because I don’t belong on the map. People people people, they want what belongs to us, they poke and they jeer, then take what they tortured, write their name on it like sharpie, then use it so everyone believes its theirs, and they throw it away right after. People people people, they say they support, they say they ally and then point a gun to our heads, and pull the damn trigger. People people people, think they can do what they want, because they want it, but we damn as well don’t, yet they will do it anyways because it’s them. People people people, I’ll hold your hand when those brass knuckles hit you in the face, when you move schools and leave your friends behind. People people people, hold my hand when they call me those names and give me those looks. People people people, hold my hand when I tell you it offends me, hold my hand when I told you it hurts, please hold my hand when I’m sleeping in tears, I’m begging you to hold my hand when they lie to my face, I’m crying so you can hold my hand when they erase my existence, you need to hold my hand when I want to hold yours. That’s the reflection, and you were the image. That was the sun, and you fell before it. You were the slaughtered, and that was the flock. You were the shoes but the glue gave up on you. You were the knowledge in this pretty world. You were the work and that was a 0.04 chance. You were no shark, and no cow, you were a moth and she was the butterfly, but where was the poison? what does that make me?

Hold my hand when I tell you they said I am neither.

Oliver’s PW#5 Analysis

One of the many things I like is analysis. I like this because I can learn a lot about everything, like mechanisms or to learn about how systems work. One system I like to learn about is logic gates. Logic gates are basically functions and they take one or two inputs and they either flip it and they have one output dependent on that. I usually use logic gates for experimenting and I like to see what I can make. Another thing I like to learn about is mechanical engineering. There’s a lot of different things you can do with it like how hydraulics work and how other sorts of systems you can make work. I also like robotics and learning how those work. I have not done much with robotics but I have mechanical Lego I can use. I have built some things that can move. I usually look at how the different components are and I just figure out how they work and I sometimes use that to build something. Another thing is how molecules work. I like to figure out how different atoms interact by playing around with a molecule simulator and like to see what I can make with it.

PW #5

Life is only half sunshine, but the other half also has the remaining warmth of the sun, like a sunflower to catch the sun. Sunflowers are never afraid of the shadow, because it means there is sunshine behind them.

Wanwa night light dawn, heavy eaves evening mist.

When the dews on the leaves after a night of baptism have not opened their sleepy eyes, and the lazy grass has not raised its waist, we, the young, have long been ready to go. People say: youth is the sun at eight or nine. I think, we are more like the six or seven o ‘clock morning sun, even if there is not much heat, but we are young, dare to struggle, we are young, we strive. Taking a brisk pace, inviting the sun, into the campus full of books to learn a new lesson. Let the sun shine on the shoulder, swim in the sea of questions. We are not afraid of difficulties, because the sunshine is with us.

PR to “Our Town”

Our town was a beautifully crafted masterpiece which depicts the story of an average, small town, in the technologically advancing ages of the late 1890s to the early 1910s. “Our town”, seems like a normal story on the surface, but after a full read-through of the book. It is reasonable to say that “our town” is a story about time, and how seemingly average lives will eventually succumb to the unremitting grasps of time. Which would result in relatively large amounts of character development.


In “Our Town”, I believe that every single character whom has met their fate, has changed quite a bit, and they have learned significantly more about themselves. after becoming victim to time, they have reflected on their lives when they were still “living”. And they have regretted the decisions they have made. Most of them, by the end of the story, were trying to tell Emily not to relive her past experience. but Emily, whom was in search of reliving her happiest moments, refused their advice. Eventually, she learned why, and the reasoning, was time. Right before Emily left, she said: “It all goes so fast”. Which could be a metaphor to enjoy every moment of your life, and make the most of it, as “it all goes so fast”. I truly believe that the author of this story is a genius, and creating a story such as this requires unprecedented levels of experience in the writing industry.

Even if by some chance the story was not a hidden metaphor for time, it still went on to display quite high levels of realism, even though it would sometimes differ with characters like the stage manager. Overall, I believe that this book is very well written, and that more people should read it.


PW#5 – Ski trip

2 weeks ago, we went on a ski trip to mount Washington. I hadn’t been to mount Washington since I was around the age of 7, so i was quite exited to finally come there after 7 years.

On the way to mount Washington, we had to take a 3 hour bus ride. to pass the time, I decided to listen to some music, which helped pass the time. After several desperate attempts to sleep, I failed. I have found that is is very difficult for me to fall asleep while in a vehicle. But, all that aside, we eventually made it to the mountain. I hadn’t seen this much snow since I was 7. The white snow coating the mountain like frosting on a birthday cake. The intense snowfall clashing against the side of the bus window. On the way up, it was difficult to see the snow gaining height. The snow almost appeared suddenly, the snow went from being not there, to being what seemed like 10 feet tall in the span of only 5 minutes. And when everyone wanted to leave the bus, we were delayed by a time of what felt like half an hour. We all wanted to leave, and it was a huge relief when we were finally let out. After an hour or two, I got my skiing equipment, and I took some lessons, in which I recorded using my go pro.

Eventually, I was able to go skiing with the rest of my friends, which was quite a fun experience. The charm of mount Washington hadn’t changed since I was last there. I vaguely remember going there as a kid, in which I would go tubing with my mom. After all, I had a lot of fun, but by the end, both of my arms hurt, as I crashed into the ground around 7 times.

Joseph PR

The story of Joseph is a story from the bible. Joseph was son of Jacob and Raquel, he has eleven siblings and Joseph was the favorite of his dad so this create jealousy and resentment in the family so Joe´s siblings sold him as a slavery. This obviously give a lot of problems to joseph, but despite that he prove to be a faithful and wise man, Also he was accused of trying something with Potiphar´s wife and was imprisoned. While in prison he obtained a position in charge of the other prisoners.

Joseph had the power to interpret dreams, this allowed him to gain the trust of the pharaoh and he was taken out of jail and promoted to a position of power in Egypt, becoming the governor of the country.

The story is an example of how God can use difficult circumstances to accomplish his purposes, despite being sold as a slavery and facing many problems, Joe recognized that God was with him and guided him. At the end joseph forgive his siblings and he reunited with his family.


Uglies is a novel written by Scott Westerfield and is the first in a series of four books. The book was published for first time in the United Estates in 2005 and in Spain in 2008. It is set in a retro futuristic society in which everyone has a surgery to be “perfect”. and Telly the main character is exited because in a few weeks she will get her surgery.

“im serious, Tally” Shay said once they were out in the water. “Your nose isn’t ugly. I like your eyes, too.” “My eyes? Now you’re totally crazy. They’re way too close together.” “Who says?” “Biology says.” Shay splashed a handful of water at her. “You don’t believe all that crap, do you-—that there’s only one way to look, and everyone’s programmed to agree on it?” “I’s not about believing, Shay. You just know it. You’ve seen pretties. They look … wonderful.” “They all look the same.” “I used to think that too. But when Peris and I would go into town, wed se a lot of them, and we realized that pretties do look.

This excerpt raises interesting themes about self-acceptance, diversity, and social pressure to meet certain beauty ideals. It also shows how Tally and Shay are willing to challenge and question the established norms in their society.


In winter break I went back to Mexico, it was very fun because I see a lot of my friends and relatives, I missed them so much. although I couldn’t see one of my older Brothers because he is studying in another country and he had many important exams, so we couldn’t see him for Christmas and New Year´s Eve, but I think that during the summer holidays I will be able to see him.

The day before Christmas I went with my parents to the mall in where I live for the Christmas presents for me and my siblings, that was a bad idea because there where a lot of people in the stores because was the day before Christmas.

My Christmas present was a Lego of The Starry Night by Van Gogh and five comics from a video game I love so much but I didn´t finish either of the two gifts I recived but I hope to finish them when I return back to Mexico, my little sister got a lot of markers and a teddy from Miniso she liked so much, and my older brother got Five different books with a lot of information, one of them was about people who changed the world or who were very important for its evolution  and a little bit of each one´s life came, I read some pages of some people like Hitler, Van Gogh, Napoleon, Stalin and three others I think, but a spent the most of the time with my family, friends and playing The Legend of Zelda Skyward sword in my winter break.


Personal Response to Our Town

The book “Our Town” was a extremely well written book book and play. The play was extremely intresting, such as the scenery and the way the did not use much props and you had to use your imagination to picture what some of the charchters were doing.

The book was harder to read than watching the play in my opinion. I thought that that it was a bit confusing how the narrator was talking to the actors in the book, it makes a bit more sense in the play, but i was still a bit confused.

Overall i thought that the book did have quite a bit of detail than some of the other books we have read in class, and overall this book was one of my favorite.


Having finished the book Ishmael, I may now discuss what meaning this book has. This book centres around a gorilla named Ishmael, who was caught in the jungles of Africa at a young age, and has lived in a zoo until being bought out by Walter Sokolow, and learned to communicate with him telepathicly. This caused him to learn, until the death of Walter Sokolow. He finds himself alone with a part of estate owned by Walter to his name, and tries to find students to which he may share his teachings.

I won’t spoil much of the book, however, in this book, Ishmael is viewing from a different perspective with a narrator who learns about Ishmael’s culture, and how the humans divide into two groups: Leavers and Takers.

And then ten thousand years ago one branch of the Homo Sapiens said, “Man is exempt from this law. The Gods never meant man to be bound by it” (p.124)

This passage talks about how we weren’t meant to be, since we only ruin the planet, by litter and pollution. This book discusses how Ishmael tries to fight with the human regime, for example, with human supremacy. Going into Full detail won’t be necessary, since the message of the book has been provided, however, for those who feel they want to know what harm we may cause to Mother Earth, proceed with exploring!

Iaroslav Pyrozhok 

IRJE #5: The Max Ward Story

‘The Max Ward Story’ by Max Ward. This book focuses on the progression of Wardair, a very famous Canadian airline that was bought out and integrated into Air Canada in the late 80s. The book talks about Max Ward’s life, his challenges and successes in aviation, and entertaining life stories. He sadly passed away in 2020, and will be known as an influential figure who shaped Canadian aviation.

“So that was it; after all the years of struggle and uncertainty, and hanging on when there was nothing to hang on to, and building a company, and knowing moments of sheer wonder and sheer terror, Wardair was gone in a few minutes” (pg. 8)

This quotation outlines the moment Max Ward sold Wardair after many negotiations and challenges. The price it sold for was $250 Million. I found this quote significant because of how much it impacted Canadian aviation as we know it today. Wardair started as a small charter company out of Yellowknife for miners, and it eventually evolved into the third largest Canadian airline in its prime. Once Wardair was integrated into Air Canada, it changed the Aviation world in Canada, forever. Wardair was known for being reliable, affordable, and safe. Max faced many challenges, especially with Transport Canada, where they tried to put him out of business because they didn’t want any competitors for Air Canada.

IRJE #5 The Lonesome Gun

The book The Lonesome Gun is a old written book that takes place in the western time, since the book is old it does have some mistakes like missing a comma, missing quotations, or sometimes a period. These mistakes don’t happen very often but they do confuse me when they do happen. I like this book because I love the western cowboy times, I like how they talk, how they dress, and I like revolvers and standoffs (two people quick-draw their revolvers and try to kill one another) which brings me to my quote:

“One!” Rafer counted.

“Don’t do this” Perley pleaded, and turned to walk away.

“Two!” Rafer counted.

“I’m warnin’ you, don’t say three”

“Three!” Rafer exclaimed defiantly. His six-gun was already halfway out when he said it–and he staggered backward from the impact of the bullet in his chest. Deke, shocked by Perley’s instant response, was a second slow in reacting and dropped his weapon when Perley’s second shot hit caught him right in his shouder. He stood, helplessly waiting for Perley’s fatal shot, and almost sinking to his knees when Perley released the hammer and returned his pistol to his holster (pg. 6)

Rafe, the guy that was threatening Perley to draw his gun, was some mean feller that was making fun of Perley’s name, so Perley asked him to get out of this diner they were eating at and that’s when Rafe started to demand a standoff. I adore this quote because I love standoffs in the western time, there’s just so much satisfaction with the tension of who will shoot who first, and even if you are quick enough with your gun, would you be able to hit/kill the person? The thing that makes the book 100% better, is seeing how the first standoff happened at page 6, meaning there will be some pretty amazing events in the future.


The book I am reading is called “Ice breaker” by Hannah Grace. In the book there is this one quote that really stood out to me.

“I know you don’t, but you’re worth defending. Every cut, bruise, every single pang of anger or frustration. It’s all worth it. I’d throw my last punch defending you because you deserve it. To have someone be that person for you.” 

This stood out to me because it shows that the guy cares about the girl. I also really enjoyed this page of the book because Nathan showed that he would protect Anatasia at every cost.

Personal Writting #5

Ski Trip

This year the school organized a ski trip which me and my friends got to go on and enjoyed a lot. We had a lot of fun going on the slopes but at first it was hard to get down since we hadn’t gone skiing in a long time. On the first slope we had a lot of fun, but we kept falling so we couldn’t go really fast. After a few times of going down the mountains we started to go faster and after skiing for a few hours it was lunchtime and we had to go back to the lodge. We had some lunch and after resting for some time we were ready to go back skiing. We went skiing again and enjoyed it a lot, this time we got to go faster and didn’t fell as much as the first time. After we went back to the bus, and it was time to go back to school and rest. At the end we enjoyed the trip a lot and had so much fun. We all wish the trip could’ve lasted longer and I am incredibly happy I got to go. I had a great time and a lot of fun. 




“Girl Interrupted” Is a memoir written by the author ‘Susanna Kaysen’ in which it follows no linear storyline, simply experiences in the ward she was in during the 60’s. It starts when Susanna Kaysen starts by accidentally overdosing, committing to irreversible actions and then getting sent to the physic.

 I didn’t write it down in a fucking book! I told you to your face. And I told Daisy to her face – what everybody knew and wouldn’t say, and she killed herself. And I played the fucking villain, just like you wanted.

Although I understand this quote is very short, it is a very important sentence that I would like to analyze. Its important in the sense that its something everyone, especially teenagers experience in their life. “I didn’t write it down in a fucking book! I told you to your face.” Is in the same sense that many hide their true feelings, even from friends because it is something seen as cruel or harsh, when in reality it just the truth, raw and un-forgetful because it was not a lie, it was pure, pure feeling and pure rot of emotions. “And i told daisy to her face – what everybody knew and wouldn’t say” As in how people are never honest of their words, especially if we put this in world context really quick, how many times have you agreed to something because others have, even if you don’t actually agree with it? In the truth that, people prefer to talk behind backs, never to anyone’s face, never honest. “And i played the fucking villain, just like you wanted.” Where in the world, even today, when people express raw and truthful emotions, no matter how we put it, we will be shamed. People are seen as villains if they are honest, but seen as liars if they aren’t. When someone speaks truth, everybody else lives in ignorance, where we all have to live the same to be equal. How society forces people to be harsh, rude, evil if they are speaking facts, nobody else says it, but as soon as you do everything comes tumbling down. People want you to be the villain, so everyone hates you, so they don’t out themselves the way you did, they can be seen as normal or humane. The world is full of lies, but we only end up damaging the chain of them, never breaking it.