PR#2 All Quiet On The Western Front

“All Quiet On The Western Front” is a book about World War I. The book perspective is from Paul Bäumer. This book is filled with mixed emotions from good to bad. If I were on the front line with the fearless soldier I wouldn’t be able to move from side to side hearing those sounds of guns and shell explosions. The pain in their eyes from our minds made us feel the same way. Their brotherhood and friendship bond were the most eye-catching. How strong their communication skills were. 

I still can’t believe that it took place in an actual World War and is based on a true story. How everyone’s life just disappeared in front of them. Everyone’s life just got taken away within seconds. How the book just straight up said that “Paul died”. I wish he didn’t. I feel so connected with them like they are one of me. Feel like they are my friends. 

“He fell in October 1918, on a day that was so quiet and still on the whole front, that the army report confined itself to the single sentence: All quiet on the Western Front…(p.269)”

This quote made my heart sink to the bottom of the earth. Everything stop. My eyes started to fill with tears. One by one slide down my cheeks. Overall this novel was the most I enjoy of all the books I’ve read.

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